P.O. Box 239, Somis, CA 93066 | 805-386-4061| info@zonemutual.com
P.O. Box 239, Somis, CA 93066 | 805-386-4061| info@zonemutual.com
The Coronavirus does not present a threat to our water supplies. Local water providers are actively monitoring the situation, and are committed to providing a safe supply.
Are you a farmer or rancher whose operation has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? USDA is implementing Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for agricultural producers. Sign-up for the program will is from September 21 - December 11, 2020. Click link for more information.
On October 28, 2020, the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s (FCGMA) Board of Directors voted to increase groundwater pumping fees from $20 per acre-foot to $40 per acre-foot.
The fee is effective beginning January 1, 2021 and will be reflected in subsequent invoices.
To voice your concerns regarding this fee increase and any future fee increases, please contact the FCGMA Director, Jeff Pratt at 805-654-2073 or at jeff.pratt@ventura.org.
Larry has overseen our system for 38 years and been a good friend to the farmers in the Valley while worked tirelessly to ensure the delivery of water needed to grow our crops.
Larry is moving to Idaho to be with his family, but he promises to stay in touch and return for a celebration in the not too distant future.
We owe a big debt of gratitude to Larry for his contribution to Zone Water and the friendship we have enjoyed.